Before your first day 

It is great that you will soon be starting with us! We are currently making the preparations needed to get you off to the easiest and most pleasant start possible.

Your contract

If you have not already done so, please send us your signed employment contract, the associated declarations and your starter checklist as soon as possible.
You can find answers to some frequently asked questions here:

Registering with Workday

Shortly before you start, you will receive an email from the address requesting you to register with the Workday personnel system and to complete an onboarding process. We will deal with these steps together with you when you start with us at the Welcome Day event. You can therefore simply ignore the email.

Your feedback is important to us!

To help us continuously improve our application and hiring process, we would like to invite you to anonymously share your experiences and feedback with us on Kununu.  We look forward to your rating!

Keep in Touch

Are you an intern, working student, legal assistant or trainee lawyer at PwC Germany? Then we cordially invite you to become a member of the KIT programme to benefit from many advantages for your career in the long term. Click here for registration and further information on the programme.

Have you heard?

We are diverse. We are authentic. We are surprising.
In our “Versprochen” podcast, listeners get to hear stories told honestly. This includes glimpses into the lives of our colleagues at PwC, their exciting business insights and much more.