We mold the current Deals market by transforming and reorganizing companies by means of transactions. In an extremely rapidly evolving business environment, we help buyers and sellers to understand the decisive drivers of growth. Our daily work concentrates on defining strategies and processes for successful companies, modeling the organization more efficiently, and fulfilling long-term market requirements. With our holistic approach, we support companies and private equity customers throughout the transaction cycle to generate maximum value creation in operational, technological, and financial aspects.
Support funds and institutional investors in purchasing wind farms on the Baltic Sea by analyzing factors, opportunities, and risks. Within our team, you structure, finance, and manage the purchase and sale of high-volume infrastructure projects by analyzing complex financial models and preparing valuable data visualizations.
Wir sind auf sorgfältige Unternehmensbewertung und Business-Plan-Erstellung spezialisiert, sei es beim Kauf, Verkauf, Zusammenschluss von Unternehmen oder Kapitalmaßnahmen. Von Datenanalyse über -organisation bis zur Visualisierung unterstützen wir Unternehmen mit modernsten IT-Tools. Wenn du dich für Transaktionen und datengetriebene Prozesse begeisterst, Herausforderungen in einem internationalen Umfeld suchst und davon überzeugt bist, dass es für jedes Problem eine Lösung gibt, dann bist du bei uns richtig! Steig ein in Deutschlands führende Transaktionsberatung und werde Teil des nächsten großen Deals.
In times of political events, technical developments, and global pandemics, we are ready to provide fast and reliable solutions to support even successful companies facing strategic crises. With a wealth of experience in restructuring, we provide professional consulting to companies of various sizes and sectors in a range of countries. Become part of this dynamic environment and assist our consulting team in their diverse projects!
The purchase or sale of entire companies or individual divisions can help an entity become or remain viable. In the PwC Deals Edge graduate program for the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), you will get to know the entire scope of transaction consultation in 24 months. In assignments to three platforms of eight months each, you will have the opportunity to get to know the various perspectives and gain an excellent overview. The entry program begins and ends with an international event in a European city. You will meet all the Edge trainees from the EMEA region, receive intensive training, and take part in fascinating activities and events. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to complete a professional qualification such as the CFA or the ACCA during the program.
Locations: Frankfurt am Main and Munich
The following practice groups in transaction consulting are possible for your rotation:
Sarah Otrush
+49 151 46335584